Όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο η Δούκισσα του Cambridge ακύρωσε σήμερα προγραμματισμένη συμμετοχή της σε φιλανθρωπική εκδήλωση μιας και συνεχίζει να υποφέρει από πρωινές ναυτίες λόγω του δεύτερου παιδιού που εγκυμονεί. Όπως και πριν από ένα μήνα περίπου που ακύρωσε την επίσκεψή της στην Μάλτα, ο γυναικολόγος της της συνέστησε να παραμείνει στο σπίτι. Από το Clarence House εξεδόθη πριν λίγo o ακόλουθος χαιρετισμός της Δούκισσας που από τα πρώτα βήματά της στην βασιλική ζωή επέλεξε να στηρίξει με σθένος τις τέχνες και τα γράμματα:
«I wanted to share my congratulations with you all for the launch of the new Clore Art Room. I was looking forward to joining you all for this particularly special day as part of The Clore Duffield Foundation’s 50th Anniversary year.
I am truly sorry that I cannot be with you all today as you celebrate this milestone. As Patron of The Art Room I feel great pride to see the work that the charity is doing. Vulnerable children flourish in the safe havens that The Art Room provides; this highlights just how important it is to support children at a time when they most need help and support.
This partnership with The Clore Duffield Foundation is a significant moment for The Art Room. As I cannot thank the Foundation in person today, I would like to extend my thanks to Dame Vivien and her Foundation for supporting a cause so close to my heart, and making such a transformational facility available to the children of Barlby Primary School.
It really is hugely exciting to look to a future with even more Art Rooms, where the lives of many more challenging and vulnerable children will be transformed. I hope that you have a wonderful afternoon. My sincere apologies for not being able to join you but I hope that I will have an opportunity to visit Barlby and see the Clore Art Room soon».